Thursday, February 24, 2005

Microsofting me / PART II: Geek in an elegant dark suit

(Note: this is 2nd part of Micro$ofting me. 1st part: M$ing Me I).

Let's elaborate this one:

I. Geek

Motivated. Driven by an idea he believes in. Being apostol to his idea. Maybe somewhat fanatic about it. Explosive and over-energised. Hyperactive. -Do you get my point?
This is the guy who will get drunk in the evening, share his idea with drinking-buddies and suddendly figure out solution to his biggest business problem. Still drunk, he'll get to work and fix it. In the morning, he'll be hung over, but get an applause for overcoming the barrier.

II. Dark suit

Realistic. Analitic. Well thought-over. Strategical. Thinking in a long haul. Sun-tzu general.
He'll go to the opera or a game of golf after work and use the peaceful environment to think things over. Jot them down. Sleep it over. Repeat the excercise again. After a week, he'll ask for someone's opinion. Finally, he'll decide to communicate it on the next meeting. And he'll show up with well prepared slide show!

I'm prepared to put my money where my mouth is (or where my fingers on keyboard are), that this is the winning combination. Maybe not, if you're in one of those boring oil businesses or running your own burial-services company, but for most of businesses that's it.

I've met a lot of sales people in my short life. I met the ones who realy suck and the ones I'm trying to copy. Actualy, sometimes I copy both species - but trying to do the "mirror copy" of the ones that suck. Just look what they do and act totaly oposite. Learn on other peoples' mistakes. ;-)

Yes, I went a bit off the road now. So let's get back to M$. I don't believe they'll ever collapse. They'll stay here just like IBM: forever. But sure, they'll go through some evolutions and transform to adapt to new circumstances. They're this big elephant that's being attacked by thousand mice, just like IBM was once. There's Linux. Unix is still here. Apple is regaining momentum again. New areas of computing. New way of living. It's just a lot of fronts. And they're too big to focus only on one. We'll see what will happen next, but I believe M$ will always stay a big part of our personal computing. Although the only M$ product I realy like and admire is Office. It's just "competitionless".

Let's save this for the next round: Part III. Come back for it soon! :-)