Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Become a part of science research!

Most of our computing resources are under-used and as such, they could be "borrowed" for good cause, such as health research. Check out how simple it is to lend your UNUSED computing power to the science.

BBC NEWS Science/Nature: PCs do thousands of years of work

World Community Grid, backed by IBM, is doing huge chunk of scientific work. It has more than 55 thousand members already!

Join today and be one of us good guys who support science in health research. Check WCG's homepage at
World Community

Try imagine it this way: while your computer is on and you're not using it, it's actually useful - for YOU! God forbid, but years from now, you might get one of those currently uncurable diseases - and by then, with a help of WCG and Human Proteome Folding project, scientist will already find a way to cure it.
So, by running the WCG agent, you're actualy using your free computing power to help yourself, your family and the humanity. This might sound overreacting, but it's a good point to think about.

It's free. It's painless. It's human. One of those good things backed by IBM. It's WCG.