IBM & Intel friends?

According to recent news, IBM served subpoena on Intel.
It's not asking about any code, but for all communications between Intel and SCO or Canopy about IBM, Unix or Linux. It's also asking about all meetings and contracts, business relations concerning above mentioned - past, present or future.
According to comments, some think that Big Blue knows something others don't.
I myself, can't comment on this one as I don't have any additional information yet.
Very interesting theory posted at: GROKLAW
IBM and Intel friends?
Authored by: SCO_DNR on Sunday, January 30 2005 @ 04:57 PM EST
“You don't usually have to depose your best friends... “IBM helped to make Intel the company it is today by picking the 8088 for thefirst IBM PC. The 8088 was just a step above the Intel 8080 or the Zilog Z-80. Other processors at the time would have been a better (Motorola 68000 or ZilogZ8000) from a programmers point of view. It is also true the Intel and IBM bothsupport Linux, but for very different reasons.IBM wants Linux to thrive because it allows IBM to invest more effort (readmoney) into higher profit software. Linux also allows the Power processoraccess to much of the same software as the Intel I-86 processors (at least onthe server side). Because of the cross platform nature of Linux IBM is hopingto move Power processor servers into the low end market with out the price hitof having to support AIX.Intel needs to support Linux to make sure that it can sell processors into allmarkets. Intel does not want to give up on any market. Linux embedded ishelping Intel push into new markets. Linux on the server side is pushing Intelinto higher and higher servers.But IBM wants to see the Intel IA64 chips dead, and Intel would like the Powerprocessors to go the way of the dodo bird. If SCO could hurt just IBM and notLinux, Intel may support SCO. If SCO had a good chance of killing Linux, Intel would not be too unhappy.
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