Monday, February 21, 2005

Carly goes to heaven? :-)

HP CEO Carly Fiorina dies, and she goes through the usual process of
defending her case in front of the Divine Jury. It is not clear what
happens exactly and where things go wrong, but when the jury comes back
and the sentence is read, it turns out she is admitted into Heaven. So
Carly is filling in the usual paperwork at the HAO's desk (Heaven
Admission Officer): non-disclosure agreement, legal disclaimers,
non-competition clause, etc...

'Congratulations and welcome to Heaven,' finally says the angel. 'Go
down the corridor, first door on your right.'

Carly walks to the door, pushes it open... and staggers back. Through
the flames and behind the door, all you can see are countless devils
inflicting the most horrible tortures to screaming souls. She rushes
back to the Officer and waves her admission pass, breathless. 'Must be
an error, this thing here says Heaven!'

'Oh yeah,' says the angel, barely looking up from his/her screen.
'Forgot to tell you... we merged.'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! »

3/03/2007 11:50 AM  

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