Monday, May 30, 2005

The End of Corporate Computing

Interesting new theory from Nick Carr, author of Does IT matter? - check out the review
MIT SMR Article, "The End of Corporate Computing" - Spring 2005 Nicholas G. Carr. Reprint 46313

"The resulting industry will likely have three major components. At the center will be the IT utilities themselves — big companies that will maintain core computing resources in central plants and distribute them to end users. Serving the utilities will be a diverse array of component suppliers — the makers of computers, storage units, networking gear, operating and utility software, and applications. And finally, large network operators will maintain the ultrahigh-capacity data-communication lines needed for the system to work."

Nicholas has his own blog at Roughtype blog

IT doesn't matter is still a book that will make IT managers fight each other. Basically, Carr is stating, that IT itself isn't a competitive advantage - instead, the "old stuff" - good processes, fair-payed people etc. are important. IT is just a new driver for this stuff. He is questioning where the real value of IT is.

From my point of view, I'd agree with Carr. For example, if a corporation has huge investments in IT, but their core business processes aren't healthy, people not motivated ... they'll go down the toilet.

Every IT investment must be well considered - and aligned to the businesprocessesss - to support and act as a good driver toward successfulll business results.

Don't forget, customer satisfaction! :-)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Bill Gates's NEW BOOK

President Bill is preparing a new book. So he's gonna tell us about the future again. I've read his books before and must say, they were great reading - a must-read for everybody interested in IT and beyond.

Can't realy wait to see what the God-of-Desktop has prepared for us. Check out BW's story:Further Down Bill Gates's Road

I'm realy wondering if and to what extent he'll write about Open Source. And offcourse, where this great visionare will lead us:

If we'd judge future just by His famous sayings, the world would long ago end up like this:

No offence, Billie. We like you. We realy do. Scout's honour. /do I need some counselling?/

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Fiorina's first public appearance after being sacked

Carly has spoken in front of a University graduates,- first time after getting kick-in-the-ass from HP board.

Fiorina's Commencement Address

Carly Breaks Her Silence

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

This one goes out to the one I love ... :-))

Fellow IBMer has "accused" me (in joke, offcourse) that I don't believe in iSeries. CRAP!

iSeries, AS/400 is a beast. Very similar to what i-guys from IBM like to compare it: a cheetah.

Fast. Responsive. Ressilient. Adoptive. Self protecting. Self healing. Unfortunately, IBM doesn't find a realy good way to communicate that. To spread the word.

Ever wanted to have one machine capable of running your entire bussiness - from day one, when you're a one-man-band all the way to when you're lucky enought to join the big guys in the enterprise league.

Business solution in a box. You want to run applications in multiple operating systems? -iSeries can do that. -Symultaneously!!! Consolidation? -Not a problem. Logical partitioning? -Sure. iSeries was 64 bit while Bill Gates still thought that 640K of memory should be enough for everybody. :-)

If you're in IT, you're probably like everyone else - thinking how to consolidate your server and storage environment.

Check out the great iSeries Executive overview video:

Come to the real world. Become a player. To "i" or not to "i"? LOL

Pls forgive me

Just checked my blog today and found out that it's been almost 4 weeks since my last post ... and visitor No. went up to 660 (according to statistics 64% first time visits) ... so readers have been good and I was just lazy. I admit it.

But, to say something in my defence, there was a lot happening in the meantime. I'm still an IBMer, even if my employment record says otherwise. So heart is still Blue (and will remains so).

You're probably asking why. Just one chinese curse-word /IBMers face goes from normal to angry/: LENOVO.

Not going into confidential details, let me just say I stayed with the big stuff. Serving as IBM Ambassador. That's the answer to all of those who were doubting my beliefs as being connected to "not biting the arm that feeds you". :-)

OK, this was a short disclaimer.